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  / News and Events / MoES: National qualifications framework is an important “portfolio” of an individual’s acquired skills and outcomes of the educational process

MoES: National qualifications framework is an important “portfolio” of an individual’s acquired skills and outcomes of the educational process


MoES: National qualifications framework is an important “portfolio” of an individual’s acquired skills and outcomes of the educational process


The National qualifications framework is an extremely significant tool for creating a “portfolio” of the acquired skills and outcomes that an individual possesses as a result of a completed formal or informal educational process.


This framework (NQF) provides an overview of both the learning outcomes and the level of the qualification and it aims at assisting the competent authorities in the process of recognition of qualifications acquired through formal education, as well to facilitate the recognition of the informal education. On the one hand, it represents an aid to the policy makers to easily detect the lack of skills and staff on the labour market. On the other hand, employers can use the framework in defining and describing the working places in their organizational structures in a standardized way and on the basis of the qualification standards that are already included in the NQF system.


Although the National qualifications framework is aligned with the European qualifications framework, its benefits remain unknown. As a result, the Ministry of education and science supported by experts within the Twinning project “Further support to the implementation of the National qualifications framework” funded by the  EU, works on developing a Communication Strategy whose primary goal would be to communicate the importance of the NQF to the public.


Yesterday, the experts and representatives from the MoES held a meeting during which it was agreed that the National qualifications framework should move towards growing into a recognized archive of quality.


The National qualification framework will be communicated to students, teachers, employers and media as primary target groups defined. Adults who have gained lower qualifications will be also informed of the relevance and meaning of the NQF, so it can be an additional motivation to continue their education. Moreover, individuals who do not have their qualifications validated and who would like to be recognized and competitive on the labour marker, will get familiarized with the NQF benefits.


The Communication Strategy is expected be developed by the end of this year, and its implementation shall start by presenting its messages to the media and the society at large.



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