Horizont Europa (2021-2027) - Programi Europian për hulumtim dhe inovacionin
Janë shpallur Programet e Punës të Horizont Europa për vitin 2023/2024 LINKU: Horizon Europe work programmes (europa.eu)
Seria e Horizont Europa Ditët - INFO (online) sipas fushave janë paraparë në muajin dhjetorë ku do të jenë të prezantuara pjesë (thirrje) nga programet e reja të punës 2023-2024 për më shumë informacione këtu.
Ngjarjet shtesë në lidhje me thirrjet e ardhshme:
Cluster 4 `DIGITAL, INDUSTRY and SPACE ` - Ngjarjet e ardhshme në lidhje me thirrjet e reja
"Discovering AMI2030 – The European Advanced Materials Initiative” - 16th of December from 10am (CET)
AMI2030 is the initiative that wants to propose a new vision of Advanced Materials for Europe to remain competitive. The initiative offers a new approach through an open and inclusive forum to coordinate and
maximize the impact of joint actions and projects by engaging all stakeholders of the advanced materials ecosystems in Europe
For more information and agenda of the event of the 16th of December: https://ncp4industry.eu/events/discovering-ami2030-the-european-advanced-materials-initiative/
To register to the event: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=FgjCosZ-ekmt7riw9-RScZnatKszpYFHrTi6NqEj3f1URE5aVUFFQUVRMEZQWElYNERTWDlXWFpNRC4u
Cluster 4 Brokerage events - Calls 2023
The CL4 NCP networks Ideal-ist, NCP4 Industry and Cosmos are organizing three thematic matchmaking opportunities for, respectively, DIGITAL, INDUSTRY and SPACE in close connection with the Cluster 4 Info Days of the
European Commission (from the 12th to the 14th of December 2022).
Agenda and websites for the Cluster 4 Brokerage Events are as follows:
Space Brokerage Event (organized by Cosmos) on the 8th of December 2022: https://horizon-europe-space-2023-brokerage.b2match.io/
Industry Brokerage Event (organized by NCP4Industry) on the 14th of December 2022: https://he-industry-2023-brokerage.b2match.io/
Digital Brokerage Event (organized by Ideal-ist) on the 15th and 16th of December 2022: https://digital2022.b2match.io/
Ngjarjet janë pa participim për pjesëmarrje dhe janë të hapura për të gjithë ata që dëshirojnë të kyçen në kontakt me partnerë potencialë për të krijuar konsorcium për thirrjet e vitit 2023.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Staff Exchanges - 7.12.2022, 10.30 - 12.30.